Two teams of TATACHEM DAV participated in NCSC state level competition. One team was guided under the leadership of Mrs. Indu Bajpai. Students under her guidance submitted a survey on Energy conservation. This consisted of five students - Shristi Giri, Tanishka Joshi, Abhinav Biju, Vasu Boda, And Tirth Joshi. They have been selected for the National Level competion Which will be held at Baramati in the last week of December.Apart from that, another team participated under the guidance of Ms. Sindhu Rathore and submited a project on Health and Nutrition. Fiza Ghavda, Naynika Roy, Shubham Ghedia, Jinalee Mehta and Jyotsna Bajpai were the members of this group.Devotion of Mrs. Indu Bajpai( HOD Science) and Ms. Sindhu Rathore for this achievement is remarkable.