Parents - Teacher Meeting is an important part of any academic system (specially school). It provides an active platform to parents and teacher to discuss about students. In CCE, it becomes more important for parents to have a direct contact & active communication with teachers to receive feedback / suggestions of improvement of performance. Parents must approach each parent-teacher meeting as an opportunity to refine your child’s individual learning plan and to make sure the roles of teacher, student and parents are clear, specific and designed to bring out the best in your child.
P.T.M. is organised on every second Saturday after school (12.30 PM - 2.15 PM). If there is any change in this schedule, parents are intimated through SMS accordingly. No P.T.M. is organised during the months of May & November due to summer & Diwali vacations in school.
Suggestions for parents :
- Parents attendance in all PTM(s) is mandatory know about the academic progress and behaviour of their wards.
- Parents should keep record of all PTM (s) , they attended and issues / matter discussed with teachers.
- This is suggested to every parent to ask some questions about the daily routine of school & periods from his / her child to know about positive and negative remarks. So that you could collect information to be placed / discussed in PTM.
- Punctuality is also important for parents during PTM, as time is very precious for you as well as for teachers.
- Development of team approach with teacher is very important.
- Take notes during the parent teacher meeting, it will help you to remember the things accurately.