Tatachem DAV Public School organised a Mass Awareness Campaign on theme “SAVE BIRDS “ ( A step towards conservation of Nature ) , School Principal , Mr. R. K. Sharma told , this campaign is being organised to make our coming generation aware about the beautiful gifts of nature and the way to save them , so that ecological cycles, which are essential for the survival of human beings, could operate in nature properly. He further added , in this event our students of classes 3rd to 12th and all teachers are participants and they are going to write slogans on theme “SAVE BIRDS “
This campaign was inaugurated by Chairman , School LMC & VP – Manufacturing TCL Mr. B. B. Kathpalia . In his address , he suggested students and teachers that environmental issues are burning issues as they are directly decide our survival and they should take part actively in such events . Mr. Kathpalia read the pledge and participants took pledge to save birds by helping these innocent creatures in their survival.
Principal , Mr. R. K. Sharma told , for verification of event that they had invited District Forest Officer , Mr. R. Dhanpal , Dr. N. H. Joshi , In-Charge , Fisheries Research Department & Commandant Mr. H. H. More, Coast Guard. They witnessed the programme from its Inauguration Ceremony to final counting of slogans written by participants. Inauguration ceremony was graced by HR Head, Mr. D. B. Shukla , Mr. Nirav Joshi , Principal , Mithapur High School .
On conclusion of programme, participants attendance was counted and number of slogans written were counted in the presence of Verification Authorities and they declared that 1215 participants participated and have written 8999 slogans.
Mr. Sharma told that school will send all these evidences to the office of Limca Book of Records for consideration as last record is of writing 5750 slogans in 5 hrs and our participants has completed this work in 2 hrs by writing 8999 slogans.